Navigating through COVID-19 Collectively

By: Shyam Rao


No one could have predicted the speed and severity of events that are unfolding around the world and our communities over the past couple months. While it remains unclear how long the COVID-19 pandemic will last, it has taken the business world by storm and is impacting all of us, and the brands we serve. We are in an unprecedented position.  

Our hope (and the world’s hope) is that with aggressive social distancing measures, the spread of the virus can be arrested providing our health systems with the capacity and capability to absorb the influx of the sick and hopefully, find a longer-term resolution. The health, safety and well-being of everyone is our number one priority.  

Following national health guidelines to help ensure social distancing, many states, counties and municipalities have ordered the closure of restaurants and bars, while other franchises have proactively closed their doors. The restaurant industry employs 15.6M people in the US alone and is a significant driver of GDP. Whether these closures were implemented by owners or enforced by various government mandates, the industry is in for a period of significant disruption

We recognize it’s imperative that we assist our customers and are working closely with them to listen and understand their needs and to provide guidance, support and access to our partnerships to help in as many ways as possible. We empathize with their situation and are prioritizing them in all we do.

Our team has been gathering and compiling feedback from our conversations as well as closely monitoring industry news and trends. To support our community of industry professionals, we have created a new, comprehensive online COVID-19 Insights & Resource Center to communicate these findings and provide everyone with easy access to what they need to know around this evolving disruption. We are committed to providing the latest content daily and sharing our expertise around years of data-driven tested best practices.

We cannot emphasize enough that during times of great uncertainty, brands need to actively build the trust, confidence, and loyalty of their customers and the broader community. Together, we can navigate through these times by doubling-down on our core principles and competencies to help each other, our customers, our partners, and our communities.


Shyam Rao

Punchh Co-Founder & CEO


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