Fireside Chat:

Restaurant Loyalty Strategies through SMS


June 20, 2024
10am PT / 1 pm ET

Punchh, Attentive, Luna Grill

Modern loyalty is about more than just getting people to opt in. It’s about how you keep them engaged once they’re in your program and using retention channels—like SMS—to deliver experiences that drive customer lifetime value.

Join us to learn about how Luna Grill uses Attentive and Punchh to drive repeat purchases and engage their loyal customers, including:

  • Data-Driven Loyalty Optimization: Uncover Luna Grill’s data-driven approach to optimizing loyalty strategies through platforms like Attentive and Punchh
  • Personalized Customer Experiences: Explore how Luna Grill crafts personalized experiences for their loyal customers using SMS, going beyond mere opt-ins to create meaningful interactions that resonate with individual preferences and behaviors
  • Innovative Retention Tactics: Gain insights into Luna Grill’s innovative tactics for customer retention, leveraging the power of SMS alongside loyalty platforms to implement creative strategies that keep customers coming back for more


Featured Speakers

Maddie Nixon, Digital Marketing Manager, Luna Grill
Maddie Nixon
Digital Marketing Manager
Luna Grill

Aimee Steinberger, Customer Success Manager, PAR Punchh
Aimee Steinberger
Senior Customer Success Manager
PAR Punchh

Chris Nguyen, Lead Client Strategy Manager, Food & Beverage, Attentive
Chris Nguyen
Lead Client Strategy Manager,
Food & Beverage